T O D O W H O Y O U B E.
This offering is a guided blueprint activation through the waters of Self-Alchemy, Sovereignty, Medicine-making, and awakening of the physical form as conduit for life.
There is only one space available.
This is a private apprenticeship- not a traditional 1:1 container.
It is an initiation through the codes of personal Devotion that I’ve never shared.
Here, we get to explore the ecosystem of your original Temple- it Altars, its Lineage, its invitations for Life to flow through and be touched by its passageways continuously.
This is for you, Wombyn, if:
You're ready to encounter your Self (where She exists in her wildest form) through Love and deep descent into the catacombs of Body and sacred Lineage
You’re ready to catalyze the Yin-led service of your own sacraments
You’re done distorting the Pleasure of uninhibited expression with inauthentic translation.
What awaits:
A sequence of intimate 1:1 sessions, teachings, and written transmissions (in devotion to the fingerprint geometry of you)
Unlimited Voxer (chat space) access
Support and guidance in the Birth of your personal medicine Earthside (as offerings, service, business)
And, of course...some Holy unmentionables 😉
This is a three month (minimum) journey.
Book a call or contact me for more.